
·  Pharmaceutical Quality Post WorkoutRecovery Powder  

·  Helps Repair and Recovery fromIntense Training  

·  Helps Protect Muscle fromBreakdown  

·  Unflavored

Glutamine is the most abundant aminoacid in the human body and is called a conditionally essential amino acid,meaning that the body is able to manufacture Glutamine on its own, but duringtimes of extreme stress  the body is not ableto produce enough and may benefit from supplemental Glutamine.  

When your body is depleted ofglutamine, such as after an intense workout, youll want to restore yourglutamine levels right afterward. Supplementing with glutamine can help withmuscle protein synthesis and reducing muscle breakdown.

Glutamine also helps to diminishcatabolism caused by an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which iselevated during exercise. A recent study conducted on the effects of glutamineon the muscle found that it actually blocks the action of cortisols interferencewith muscle protein synthesis and repair.


 availablesize       300 g